The Next Generation Patient Experience 2015 conference comes to Phoenix this December

The Next Generation Patient Experience conference runs from December 1st to 3rd at the Wigwam Resort in Phoeniz, AZ. To help give you all the information you need, we have answered The What, The Why, The How, The Who and The Where. Read on to find out about the NGPX event.

What is the Next Generation Patient Experience?

Changes in the patient-healthcare provider experience over the years have greatly affected how hospitals provide care. Keeping up with the changes and remaining competitive has never been more important. The Next Generation Patient Experience aims to bring together senior level patient experience executives from across the industry - all of whom are responsible for overseeing their organization’s patient experience strategy.

Why have the event?

For healthcare providers, one of the most significant transformations ushered in by the Affordable Care Act is the financial incentive to shift from traditional profit-driven models to be more acutely focused on patient satisfaction. At the same time, patient expectations have also evolved and they are no longer satisfied being passive recipients of care. They are engaged in their own treatment options, more likely to do their own research and increasingly expect to be able to interact with their healthcare providers in the same way they do with commercial brands.

How will NGPX benefit the patient experience?

Following months of research defining, analyzing and categorizing top patient experience challenges, the Next Generation Patient Experience conference will help you:

  • Meet the heightened expectations of today's empowered patient
  • Shift to a patient and family-centered culture
  • Engage clinical and non-clinical staff in your PX strategy
  • Achieve a single view of the patient
  • Create patient and family advocates

Via several innovative formats, leaders in the space will discuss how to best meet the competitive demands by delivering a truly next generation experience to their patients.

Who should attend the Next Generation Patient Experience?

High-level Experience Officers, Nursing officers, Service Professionals, Operating officers, Guest/Patient Relations, and anyone with an interest in patient experience.

Where is the event?

The event is being held at the Wigwam Resort, Phoenix, AZ from the 1st - 3rd of December 2015.

Find out more information Next Generation Patient Experience including registration details.

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Richard Jefferson

About the author…

Richard is the assistant editor at EHR in Practice. Between editing articles from our expert contributors and compiling whitepapers, Richard also manages the vendor and product directories.

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Richard Jefferson

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